Written by: Josee Wolfe
We are right around the corner from the festival season! With that comes the excitement of traveling to camping festivals for late nights under the lasers with the people and artists we know and love! My name is Josee. I started raving in 2023, and while I have only been in the scene going on two years in April, I have learned so much during my short time of traveling and attending these events!

When you think about going to a rave, the initial question is usually, “Who am I going to the rave with?” not “Who am I raving with?” Whether you are traveling with a group of friends, or even full sending alone, the people you attend these events with are incredibly important. Not only because you want to have a good time but also to have a safe environment. It’s possible you, yourself, have had an odd experience and are looking for more ways to feel safe within our community. Or maybe you are excited to start this new, colorful, world of raving, but you’re unsure of what all that may entail…I intend to share my experiences and advice to help guide others through the confusing questions of “Who am I raving with?” and “Am I raving with the right people?”
Rave Families
The absolute BEST support system you could have is your rave fam! A rave family can be anywhere from a small group to a family that stretches across the country or even the globe! This is your backbone. However, like a therapist, rave families can take some time to find. It is all about what is most comfortable for you. These people are who you will spend most of your time with at festivals and/or shows. Memories will be shared, and tears will be shed just like your real family. You should be able to feel unquestionably comfortable around this group. Festivals bond people so deeply because you are sharing all of your sacred energy with these people. We go to these events to heal, to experience life-changing moments, and we share those life-altering things with the people within our circle. Your rave family is everything to a good journey at festivals.

Taking Kandi from A Stranger
This is truly the most giving community I have ever been a part of. People literally will literally give you the pashmina off their back. Unfortunately, there will still always be a few bad apples in the bunch–these are the people to be aware of! Sadly, some attendees are solely there to take personal items from festival goers. These people often try stealing phones, wallets…they will even go as far as reaching in your fanny pack without you even noticing! It’s actually mind boggling! Along with theft comes a multitude of other, I guess what you could call, possibilities. But in all seriousness: THESE THINGS CAN HAPPEN! Even if you think they won’t happen to you. Be on the lookout for people who just seem out of place. Be careful with what you take from others with recreational use, as well.
Moonrise Festival 2023, I mistakenly did not pay attention while taking a flower from my friend, which was passed to them by a stranger. Because I didn’t pay attention to my surroundings, it ended up not actually being a flower…. it can be a hard lesson to learn, but taking the precautions to rave safely can literally save you or someone else’s life!

The Importance of a Safe Space
You are indeed the most vulnerable when you are raving. It is our safe space! Our dance floor to roam free, which is why you are only as safe as the people you surround yourself with. It is crucial for your time at these events that you attend with people that truly care for your well being. This can be the difference between having an amazing festival or maybe even realizing that you don’t actually click with these people like you once thought. Like stated before, it can take time (no pressure!) to find the people that are true to you! Surround yourself with people that show an abundance of love for the same artists you do. Take those journeys together! It can be so magical when done with the right people!

PLURR Always
Peace. Love. Unity. Respect. Responsibility. To attend these events, we have to always remember the glue that holds this community together. These are also tools you can use to remind yourself of how things should feel. Everyone should be kind and understanding always! LOVE everyone, this is a superpower! Love is the greatest form of showing that you care. We are a community of beautiful people who have turned to raving for a sense of hope, comfortability, and even a home. We must work with each other to keep it the safe space we know and love. Respect the surrounding people, share space, dance with strangers, remember that others exist too. Lastly, we must take care of each other–we’re all doing this together! We all are here to feel the same thing, so look after each other! Be a responsible human, order that Uber home, check in on your friends, and always look after one another.