The week that I wait all year for is FINALLY here.
Electric Forest week.
I never thought Michigan would be one of my favorite vacation spots, but after attending my first ever Forest in 2022, it lives in my head rent free – and for good reason.
I went to my first Electric Forest on a whim – I was going through a really rough time…career switch, a break-up, family issues, you name it. My personal trainer, at the time, was a super nice girl named Hannah. Since we worked so closely together, she saw the curveballs life was throwing at me, and asked, “Hey, my friend is selling an Electric Forest ticket. I know you like EDM, I think this would be really good for you”.
The idea sounded absurd to me, because as someone who loved EDM, I never knew that the rave scene existed- let alone an entire WORLD that is camping festivals, PLURR, The Giving Tree, Carl…I would quickly discover all of the magic and more.
So, I said yes, not really knowing her that well and not knowing really anyone going.
I was terrified.
AND…I’ve never camped before. What do you mean we won’t have running water, electricity or a roof over our heads? However, life was taking me through the wringer, so I let down my walls, got in the car to drive from Philadelphia, PA to Rothbury, Michigan with a girl I barely knew and about $150 in my bank account and surrendered.

This was the first time I was really immersed in discomfort. I was unfamiliar with the entire situation, the people, the community, and yet, everyone welcomed me with open arms.
People I’ve never met before were excited that I was just EXISTING near them. People were dancing, and laughing and flowing, celebrating life in every sense of word.
I went into Forest with no expectations, just surrender, and my entire life changed.
The first person I met walking into the festival was my boyfriend.
We had matching backpacks, and I’m naturally a very forward person, so I tapped him on the shoulder in the security line and said,
“We have matching backpacks, what if we’re soulmates?!”
Yes…I tend to be very straight forward.
He laughed, we introduced ourselves then said, “Happy Forest” and went on our separate ways.
Not even 10 minutes later, I run into him again. Then again. Then AGAIN.
In the next hour, we ran into each other 8 different times.
If you’ve ever been to Forest, you know how difficult it is to INTENTIONALLY run into your friends.
The Forest wanted us to meet.
We spent the rest of the weekend together, inseparable. Everyone was warning me about the “rave bae” phenomenon, but this was…different.

I went into Forest with no expectations and just surrendered, and everyone kept singing in my ear all weekend “The Forest provides” “The Forest provides”…
The Forest gives you exactly what you need without you knowing you need it.
Fast forward, this boy lived across the country in California and let me remind you, I lived in Philadelphia, but this was something real, and I wasn’t going to let the Forest magic die.
I finally understood why it felt like my entire life was imploding right in front of my eyes before I attended the fest…it was because I was ready for something bigger.

And my first step into my new life was saying “YES” to the unknown, and the unknown being Electric Forest, in Rothbury Michigan at the end of June.
Now I live in Los Angeles, I work in the music scene, I get to attend music festivals all across the country and help others do the same. I’ve found my people, the love of my life and most importantly, I’ve found my PURPOSE.
Electric Forest changed my life because I was ready to experience the magic, surrender to the Forest, and be fully present with myself.
The Forest provides – open your heart, immerse yourself in the art, and let the rest fall into place.